Friday, April 3, 2015

The Constitution Says Whatever Our Judges Say It Says

The Constitution of the United States; it’s what “constitutes” the United States. It is America. It’s also ours. We have the authority and precedence to interpret the US Constitution however we want. There’s nothing you can do about it, our judges are on our side. Any defendant or juror who stands up to us may find himself fined or jailed for contempt of court.
Judges are our last and final safeguard against constitutional restrictions on our power such as jury nullification, and they are quite effective. Jurors will convict anyone we direct them to under threat of contempt, the accompanying indefinite confinement is a powerful motivating tool at our disposal. You cowardly people always cave under our threats, handing the accused over to us to save your own necks even though you know they do not deserve prison. Just look what we did to Irwin Schiff. Even if you are on our side of the Schiff trial, you can clearly see that Judge Kent Dawson did not allow Schiff a fair trial. Judge Dawson is one of us and working for us, not you. We at the government own the jurors. We just keep the jury system in place because you people fall for the illusion of the freedom and protection it offers. It keeps you compliant and in line, and, when we accuse you of a crime and disallow your defense, will keep the rest of your peers on our side.  They will believe you deserve however many years of prison we dictate.
Through our judges we at the government are able to have our way with you people. Here is a judge who ordered a 15 year old girl by the name of Linda Kay Spitler to be sterilized like a dog without her knowledge or consent. The judge, Judge Harold D. Stump, enjoys complete and eternal immunity from any and all legal retribution for his act, as do all participating parties.
Do you really think we want you to own arms? Do you think we want you to act as constitutionally informed jurors and interfere with our conviction ambitions? Why on earth would we want you to be exempt from our surveillance? Do we really want to be held back by an obsolete piece of paper? Just give it some time and our steady erosion of what is left of your freedoms will finish off the aforementioned scrap of paper.
Your USA may once have been the “land of the free, home of the brave,” but now it is the land of the coerced, because of the cowardly. And it is now our USA, not yours. If you think you are free, take a look around you. We Feds control everything of consequence.

The Constitution, on this hypothesis, is a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they may please. It should be remembered, as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only, at first, while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice, as fast as that relaxes.
- Thomas Jefferson

We're Building An Economic Iron Curtain Around the USA

“No, this isn’t the USSR, we’re a free country, remember, it’s ‘the land of the free?’ Nobody can tell people in a free country what to do with their own money.” That’s right, we taught you in our schools that America is a free country, so, no matter what happens here, you will always be free if you are in America. Go on keep believing it. It doesn’t matter that in 2000 presidential candidate John Kerry ran on, among other things, setting up what was in effect an economic Iron Curtain. Now, our own Senator Carl Levin has taken it a step further and is pursuing individual Americans, that’s right, you people, for the same thing. And he’s leading our assault against your few remaining freedoms.
Here is what we have to say about you Americans who fail to tell us what you are doing with your own money by filling out our Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR):

Those required to file an FBAR who fail to properly file a complete and correct FBAR may be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per violation for nonwillful violations that are not due to reasonable cause. For willful violations, the penalty may be the greater of $100,000 or 50 percent of the balance in the account at the time of the violation, for each violation. 

That’s right, we assigned ourselves the right to take $10,000 or more of your money EACH time you don’t report your foreign holdings to us on the form we dictate. No, it doesn’t matter if you simply didn’t know about our requirement. NO, you Mexican Americans who maintain a bank account in Mexico are NOT free to just quietly keep this money in Mexico. NO, you are not free to invest your money through a foreign brokerage without telling us about the funds. It doesn’t matter if the US dollar and economy are slowly collapsing and you feel a need to safeguard your earnings for the sake of your family, you must go down with the ship. You MUST disclose your holdings to us at the government as soon as the balance exceeds our threshold, otherwise we will come after you for breaking our laws. One more thing, between you and us, guess who gets to decide if your failure to file was willful or not???
We presume you guilty unless and until you can prove your innocence. Our laws assume each and every foreign asset you own is intended to launder crime proceeds or hide money from our IRS, and we treat you appropriately. "Innocent until proven guilty" may be in your constitution, but that's never stopped us before. Soon, we’ll be going after that timeshare in Mexico or the Bahamas.
We Feds have not yet implemented hard exchange controls in the USA, but we anticipate our latest step, FATCA, coming close to achieving the same effect. With FATCA implementation underway bringing you Americans under our greater control is not a far off goal. We are hard at work making this dream a reality.
No, it is not too late, you can still legally send money offshore. Many of you are stashing your money outside of the USA in more sound economies to escape the increasing currency and economic weakness here, but soon we’ll stop you. You should have no right to buy CDs denominated in stronger foreign currencies, or stocks in companies that earn their revenue in stronger currencies. We cannot monitor each and every transaction you make from your foreign accounts, so you should have no right. In Nazi Germany ownership of foreign accounts was punishable with death. Soon we’ll change the laws to prevent you from sending money offshore, but for now we are forced to tolerate the few of you with foresight. Doesn’t matter, we’ll trap enough of you in our net soon enough.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
- Patrick Henry